18 Science Facts You Believed In The 1990s That Are Now Totally Wrong - Buzzfeed News Music

Monday, March 30, 2015

18 Science Facts You Believed In The 1990s That Are Now Totally Wrong

The 1990s had better music, but it was a more primitive time. Science is a constantly changing endeavor.

"Dinosaurs died off because of a volcano."

"Dinosaurs died off because of a volcano."

The volcano theory was one of the opposing theories to the now widely accepted impact theory, which was proposed in the 1980s. But geologists didn't find find the (now famous) 65 million-year-old asteroid crater until 1991. That sort of killed the volcano theory for a while. More recently, scientists think that dinosaurs may have gone extinct because of a mix of the two theories.

National Geographic / Via youtube.com

"There's a lot of genetic difference between the races."

"There's a lot of genetic difference between the races."

There's not even that much genetic difference between a human and a wine grape for god's sake. (Well, we share around a quarter of our genes with a grape). A freaking grape.

A 2002 genetics study even found that there are larger genetic differences between Africans than there are between Africans and Eurasians.

HBO / Via giphy.com

"There are only nine planets that exist."

"There are only nine planets that exist."

In the past, scientists theorized the existence of numerous planets, but we confirmed the first exoplanet (or planet outside of our solar system) in 1992.

"One of the greatest discoveries of the last 20 years is that there are a lot of planets around distant stars...There are a lot of Earth-like planets. Nobody knew that in the 1990s. It's very promising. If you're hopeful, like me, then we'll eventually find life outside of our solar system," said Peter Galison.

Now it's estimated that there's billions and billions of planets.

Hugh Osborn / Via hughosborn.co.uk

"This is what dinosaurs looked like:"

"This is what dinosaurs looked like:"

Thanks Steven Spielberg.

Nowadays, paleontologists say that most dinosaurs, including that evil-looking T. rex, had feathers. Gorgeous, fabulous, COLORFUL feathers.

Universal / Via giphy.com

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