37 Things You Learn From Working In A Comic Shop - Buzzfeed News Music

Sunday, March 29, 2015

37 Things You Learn From Working In A Comic Shop

You’ve gotta get something out of it other than a staff discount and a hernia.

This guy is nowhere near an exaggeration.

This guy is nowhere near an exaggeration.

Not even slightly. Not even close. You know this guy. Deep down, you are this guy. He's the patron saint of your shit life.

The Simpsons / 20th Century Fox / Via rebloggy.com

You become so used to the smell of B.O. that you can no longer detect B.O. on humans.

You become so used to the smell of B.O. that you can no longer detect B.O. on humans.

Hannibal / NBC / Via 50shadesoftreya.tumblr.com

It's apparently perfectly reasonable to respond to the words "No, sorry, those are embargoed until tomorrow" with "...but can I have them?"

It's apparently perfectly reasonable to respond to the words "No, sorry, those are embargoed until tomorrow" with "...but can I have them?"

"I won't tell Marvel. What if the shop burned down? They'd never know." MARVEL KNOWS. DON'T BURN OUR SHOP DOWN.

The Producers / Universal Pictures / Via reactiongifs.com

There is a scene in Six Feet Under that haunts you still.

There is a scene in Six Feet Under that haunts you still.

Six Feet Under / HBO / Via youtube.com

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