15 Thoughts Women Have While Performing Cunnilingus - Buzzfeed News Music

Friday, April 10, 2015

15 Thoughts Women Have While Performing Cunnilingus

Let’s get *down* to business. (Cough).

Where am I?

Where am I?

Fairly sure I took a left at the labia minora, then a couple of rights...OK, now I'm just lost. It's dark and it's bumpy and I'm starting to panic. Should've left a trail of breadcrumbs. What's that? HELP ME.


Can't. Breathe.

Can't. Breathe.

Now that you mention it, I AM starting to feel lightheaded. Probably shouldn't do a big gasp. Do you actually need oxygen to survive? Also, why is it so humid down here? It's like a greenhouse. A really sexy greenhouse. Now I want a tomato.

Giphy / Via bestgifreaction.tumblr.com

Quite a bush you've got there...

Quite a bush you've got there...

This is not the painfully-waxed landing strip I was expecting. This is a sideways Brian Blessed. "I'M BRIAN BLESSED", booms sideways Brian Blessed. Also, this is big. This is a lot of undergrowth. If I do manage to machete my way through this I will demand to be forever known as the Indiana Jones of pussy eating.

imgur / Via imgur.com



Oh, I didn't get a Brian Blessed, I got a stubbly Bradley Cooper. Hello, friction. Hello, itchy-scratchy sandpaper facial scrub. Is this what it's like to lick a pumice stone? This is how fires start. Maybe this is how fire was discovered. If I carry on much longer it's going to start looking like I put lipstick on in the dark. They will call me Clown Face and they will be right.


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