18 Problems Every Theater Actor Faces When Auditioning - Buzzfeed News Music

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

18 Problems Every Theater Actor Faces When Auditioning

Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee, an actors life for me.

When you literally spend entire paychecks on headshots.

You spend even more money printing out 50+ headshots for the auditions.


When you spend hours desperately flipping through plays trying to find a monologue before the audition date.

And you can never pick a favorite monologue so you memorize five for the hell of it.


When you need to get up in the wee hours of the morning so you can make that 8 a.m. audition across town.

When you need to get up in the wee hours of the morning so you can make that 8 a.m. audition across town.

Honestly though, who thought it was OK to schedule auditions at the break of dawn?

Disney/Pixar / Via gifemotions.tumblr.com

When you kicked ass during an audition but didn't get the part because you're not the right height.

When you kicked ass during an audition but didn't get the part because you're not the right height.

Seriously, if that's the biggest issue here I can wear higher heels?

20th Century Fox / Via im-a-bit-different.tumblr.com

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