These Twitter Bots Not Only Detect Online Misogyny, But Stage An Intervention - Buzzfeed News Music

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

These Twitter Bots Not Only Detect Online Misogyny, But Stage An Intervention

Introducing Operation #ZeroTrollerance.


A report by my colleagues at Demos last year called Misogyny on Twitter found that the words "slut" and "whore" were tweeted six million times in just over a month. Roughly a fifth of the tweets were actively threatening – and they were disproportionately aimed at women, and in particular women of colour. Often, people were attacked purely because of their gender.

Now the Peng! Collective, a group of German activists, has launched a counter-attack.

Now the Peng! Collective, a group of German activists, has launched a counter-attack.

Their "Zero Trollerance" programme uses automated Twitter bots to detect and deter online misogyny.

Here's how it works.

Peng! Collective

Step One: Identify the troll.

Step One: Identify the troll.


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