18 Facts That Prove Animals Have Souls - Buzzfeed News Music

Friday, July 31, 2015

18 Facts That Prove Animals Have Souls

They’re the best.

A dairy cow was so sad from having previous calves taken away that she hid her newborn in a tall patch of grass.

A dairy cow was so sad from having previous calves taken away that she hid her newborn in a tall patch of grass.

Clarabelle the cow was rescued from a dairy farm, but she was so distraught from having her babies taken away from her that she gave birth in secret and hid her baby in a patch of grass. Luckily, Carabelle and her baby live a happy life together at Australian farm sanctuary Edgar's Mission.

Flickr: dkjd

A blind Jack Russell has his very own seeing eye dog and best friend, a Staffordshire terrier who accompanies him everywhere.

A blind Jack Russell has his very own seeing eye dog and best friend, a Staffordshire terrier who accompanies him everywhere.

Buzz the Staffie is Glenn's permanent set of eyes, helping him find his bed and his food. They never leave each other's side.


A pod of sperm whales accepted a deformed dolphin into their family.

A pod of sperm whales accepted a deformed dolphin into their family.

An alliance between a dolphin and a sperm whale has never been witnessed before. Behavioral ecologist Alexander Wilson believes that the dolphin may have gotten picked on because he swam slower than his own pod, but he can keep up with the slower-swimming sperm whales just fine.


Willie the parrot alerted his human that her toddler was choking by crying out, "Mama, baby!"

Willie the parrot alerted his human that her toddler was choking by crying out, "Mama, baby!"

The bird noticed the little toddler was choking on her breakfast and cried out while flapping his wings until his human came to the rescue.

Flickr: nettsu

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