75 Thoughts Un-Crafty People Have While Browsing Pinterest - Buzzfeed News Music

Friday, July 3, 2015

75 Thoughts Un-Crafty People Have While Browsing Pinterest

I have to go buy stuff? No thanks.


1. Easy knitting pattern? Psht. Yeah, right.
2. Maybe I'll make a cake this weekend.
3. Do I even have a mixing bowl?
4. Spatulas are for flipping shit, not icing cakes.
5. Ohhh...that kind of spatula.


6. Even if I COULD make that, why the hell would I want it?
7. What is Mod Podge even?
8. How dare they call melted crayons art.
9. What if I make a gallery wall?
10. They make it look sooo easy!
11. Where's the tutorial?
12. Multiple steps? NOPE!
13. Whatever. I'm too broke for that anyway.
14. I thought the point of DIY was to not spend money.

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