Hillary: "I Take A Backseat To No One" At "FIghting For Progressive Values" - Buzzfeed News Music

Friday, July 3, 2015

Hillary: "I Take A Backseat To No One" At "FIghting For Progressive Values"

Clinton adds a new line to her speech in New Hampshire.

Darren McCollester / Getty Images

Before a Friday afternoon crowd of Granite Staters, Hillary Clinton offered a new line:

"I take a backseat to no one when you look at my record of standing up and fighting for progressive values."

Clinton, since her campaign began, has often cast herself as a "fighter" — emphasizing the "four fights" of her campaign and framing her career, going back to her days as a lawyer, as "fighting" for the welfare of children and women.

But the "progressive values" part is new — and just how committed Clinton is to the current slate of progressive policy goals, particularly when it comes to economics, has been a source of speculation and critique over the last year.

Bill Clinton's presidency often emphasized centrism: He signed the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, the banking securities law that progressives like Elizabeth Warren want to see restored; he promised and implemented changes to the welfare system; he supported the tough-on-crime policies popular in the 1980s and '90s, that his wife also wrote in support of at the time.

And Hillary Clinton herself was slow to, for instance, endorse same-sex marriage; she did not offer her public support until 2013, and did not deem it a constitutional right until earlier this year.

Hillary Clinton has already campaigned against some of the policies of the 1990s — she's argued in favor of changes to the criminal justice system and in favor of significantly broadening legal status and citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Where Clinton — often critiqued by liberal Democrats for her connections to Wall Street — will ultimately come down on the populist economic policies pushed by progressives has been less clear. While Clinton's talked often about "reshuffling" the deck of cards she says is "stacked against" middle-class and working-class Americans, she's been less forthcoming about her proposed economic policies. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders, the socialist senator from Vermont, has managed to draw impressive crowds in liberal bastions like Madison, Wisconsin.

On Friday, though, Clinton said she would soon be outlining her economic agenda in specifics.

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