Look At These Rare Baby Albino Sea Turtles - Buzzfeed News Music

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Look At These Rare Baby Albino Sea Turtles

The cutest. Via Seven Seas magazine.

This baby albino sea turtle was found on Vamizi Island in Mozambique.

This baby albino sea turtle was found on Vamizi Island in Mozambique.

A turtle monitoring programme has been going for more than ten years on the island, but this is the first time they've seen albino hatchlings. Interestingly, the turtles also lacked pigmentation in their eyes, as is common with albinism.

Joana Trindade / Via sevenseastravelmagazine.com

Conservationists found two albino sea green turtle hatchlings on one of the island's nesting beaches, along with three turtles that had standard pigmentation.

Conservationists found two albino sea green turtle hatchlings on one of the island's nesting beaches, along with three turtles that had standard pigmentation.

Two other albino baby turtles sadly didn't make it. :(

“Since the discovery, we have been doing some research and haven’t yet been able to find any records of albino green turtles with no pigmentation in their eyes,” Joana Trindade, conservation community manager on Vamizi Island, told Seven Seas.

Joana Trindade / Via sevenseastravelmagazine.com

The turtles were released and all made their way safely to the sea.

The turtles were released and all made their way safely to the sea.

Trindade and her colleages are now trying to find out if other turtle conservation projects have ever found anything similar, and plan to run genetic tests on tissue samples they took from the turtles.

Joana Trindade / Via sevenseastravelmagazine.com

Godspeed little turtles, godspeed.

Godspeed little turtles, godspeed.


Joana Trindade / Via sevenseastravelmagazine.com

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