Here's What Happens When You Order A Large Pizza Just For Yourself - Buzzfeed News Music

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Here's What Happens When You Order A Large Pizza Just For Yourself

Should I yell out “pizza’s here” so the delivery guy thinks I have roommates?

Thinkstock / BuzzFeed Canada

1. I'm hungry.

2. But... I don't have any food in the house.

3. Even if I did, I definitely don't want to cook.

4. I could just order pizza. That's a thing I could do.

5. I have been trying to eat healthier, though. Maybe I shouldn't.

6. Maybe I'll just look at their specials.

7. Oh, this all looks so good.

8. Yep. Ordering pizza. This is happening.

9. I'm only ordering for myself. At most, I should order a medium.

10. Hmm. But the medium and the large are the exact same price.

11. I'd practically be losing money by ordering the medium, right?

12. And if I get vegetables on it, it's pretty much a well-balanced meal.

13. Am I really going to order the large?

14. Yes. Yes I am.

15. In the name of financial responsibility.


16. I'll just eat a few slices, and then save the rest for lunch tomorrow.

17. And for dinner. Obviously.

18. And I want dipping sauce. I'm not a monster.

19. The pizza place is just around the corner. I should save a few bucks and just go pick it up myself.

20. But that means I'd have to put on pants.

21. And possibly a bra.

22. Delivery it is!

23. OK, 40 minutes until pizza.

24. I'll just watch an old episode of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix while I wait.

25. Ugh, Ghost Denny was such a stupid storyline.

26. You're hallucinating your dead fiancé, Izzie! You clearly have a brain tumour!

27. Ooh, pizza will be here in ten minutes.

28. Oh, wait. I'm still going to need to put pants on to open the door.

29. Does the pizza guy care if I'm wearing pyjama pants? Probably not.

30. Oh! The apartment buzzer's going off.

31. The pizza's here early!

32. Oh, you're getting a good tip for that, pizza guy.

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