Buzzfeed News Music: Geeky
Showing posts with label Geeky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geeky. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2015

Watch This Adorable Priest Completely Geek Out Over The New "Star Wars" Trailer

Watch This Adorable Priest Completely Geek Out Over The New "Star Wars" Trailer

May The Force be with you. (And also with you.)

Father Roderick Vonhögen is a big Star Wars fan, and his reaction to the new trailer for Episode VII: The Force Awakens (here's the link, just in case you've been frozen in carbonite for the last 24 hours) will bring out your inner kid. / Via

His level of enthusiasm was pretty high up, even before he started.

His level of enthusiasm was pretty high up, even before he started.

Roderick Vonhögen / Via

And so it begins... he's just taking it all in.

And so it begins... he's just taking it all in.

Roderick Vonhögen / Via

He's happy to see some familiar sights.

He's happy to see some familiar sights.

Roderick Vonhögen / Via

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This Is What The Cast Of “The Lord of the Rings” Looks Like Now

This Is What The Cast Of “The Lord of the Rings” Looks Like Now

Matthew McConaughey "Reacting" To "Star Wars" Is Magical

Matthew McConaughey "Reacting" To "Star Wars" Is Magical

It’s more than alright alright alright.

By now, you've probably seen the EPIC trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

By now, you've probably seen the EPIC trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

If not, you need to upgrade your life and check it out here.


Well, it's about to get better. MUCH MUCH BETTER, all thanks to YouTube user oskararnarson.

Well, it's about to get better. MUCH MUCH BETTER, all thanks to YouTube user oskararnarson.


He cut a video of Matthew McConaughey totally geeking out while watching the new trailer.

He cut a video of Matthew McConaughey totally geeking out while watching the new trailer.

All of the footage is actually from McConaughey's turn in Interstellar so it's not "real" LOL, but still genius!

Pretty soon, McConaughey is feeling ALL the feels. And really...who can blame him?

Pretty soon, McConaughey is feeling ALL the feels. And really...who can blame him?

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Which Upcoming Video Game Are You Most Excited For?

Which Upcoming Video Game Are You Most Excited For?

Which Character From "The Craft" Are You?

Which Character From "The Craft" Are You?

The New Trailer For "Fantastic Four" Has Arrived And It's Intense

The New Trailer For "Fantastic Four" Has Arrived And It's Intense

An In-Depth Look At Hermione As Described In The "Harry Potter" Books VS The Movies

An In-Depth Look At Hermione As Described In The "Harry Potter" Books VS The Movies

Saturday, April 18, 2015

How Well Do You Know The Characters Of "Orphan Black"?

How Well Do You Know The Characters Of "Orphan Black"?

Friday, April 17, 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

22 Characters Who Need To Be Added To The New "Smash Bros"

22 Characters Who Need To Be Added To The New "Smash Bros"

Fulfill our dreams, Nintendo.

Characters that were prominently featured in previous Smash games as playable characters (like Roy, Ice Climbers, and Wolf) or as Assist Trophies (Waluigi, Isaac, etc) were not included. But they are rad and very much missed.

Professor Oak from Pokémon

Professor Oak from Pokémon

"Professor Oak. He could slap with his clipboard and make you feel bad about your photograpy."

Submitted by Laura Gallant (Facebook)

Nintendo / Via Twitter: @actual_profoak

Simon Belmont from Castlevania

Simon Belmont from Castlevania

A Castlevania rep would round out all the classic third-party characters in Smash. In addition to his whip, Belmont has a wide variety of secondary weapons, like crosses, throwing knives and axes.

Suggested by @megamanx1367

Konami / Via

Ryu from Street Fighter

Ryu from Street Fighter

Ryu is the undisputed classic king of the fighting game genre and a pioneer in crossovers with companies like Marvel, Namco, and Tatsunoko. Can't you just see him yelling SHORYUKEN and Dragon Punching his way to the edge of Final Destination?

Submitted by Ahmed Ali Akbar

Capcom / Via

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39 Costumes From Megacon That Will Blow Your Mind

39 Costumes From Megacon That Will Blow Your Mind

19 Struggles Only "Game Of Thrones" Fans Understand

19 Struggles Only "Game Of Thrones" Fans Understand

I got 99 problems, and Twitter spoilers are one.

Being attracted and simultaneously repulsed by certain (unnamed) characters on the show...

Being attracted and simultaneously repulsed by certain (unnamed) characters on the show...

I... no, I can't, but... OK, you win, you gorgeously terrifying man beast.


Deciding whether to eat before or during the show, based on the amount of violence you *think* you'll see in the episode.

Deciding whether to eat before or during the show, based on the amount of violence you *think* you'll see in the episode.

Oh, Gregor Clegane is in this episode? ::: puts pizza slice down :::


Being filled with rage when a beloved character dies, but also loving the show so damn much.

Being filled with rage when a beloved character dies, but also loving the show so damn much.

All men must die, but... THIS MAN?!


Wanting to use Game of Thrones phrases IRL, but also not wanting to sound like a crazy person.

Wanting to use Game of Thrones phrases IRL, but also not wanting to sound like a crazy person.


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The Avengers Played "Family Feud" And They Were Adorably Bad At It

The Avengers Played "Family Feud" And They Were Adorably Bad At It

27 Tumblr Posts That Perfectly Sum Up Your TV Addiction

27 Tumblr Posts That Perfectly Sum Up Your TV Addiction

27 Squidward Faces Every College Student Will Recognize

27 Squidward Faces Every College Student Will Recognize

We are all Squidward.

When you try to sneak food out of the dining hall.

When you try to sneak food out of the dining hall.


When you hand in a paper the second it's due.

When you hand in a paper the second it's due.


When you're feeling ambitious and you sign up for a 9 a.m. class next semester.

When you're feeling ambitious and you sign up for a 9 a.m. class next semester.


And when you're actually sitting in that 9 a.m. class.

And when you're actually sitting in that 9 a.m. class.


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Monday, April 6, 2015

Can You Match A Superhero To Their Catchphrase?

Can You Match A Superhero To Their Catchphrase?

Tobias Menzies Defines 19 Old English Insults

Tobias Menzies Defines 19 Old English Insults

The Outlander star puts his knowledge of antiquated insults to the test. Can you guess what a “flotch” is?

This is Tobias Menzies, aka Frank Randall and Black Jack on Outlander.

This is Tobias Menzies, aka Frank Randall and Black Jack on Outlander.

Macey J. Foronda / BuzzFeed

Some TV fans may may know Menzies as Edmure Tully on Game of Thrones or Nathaniel Bloom on The Honourable Woman, but most recently, he's been playing two very different characters on Outlander — as Frank Randall, a 20th century reticent history buff, and his ancestor, Black Jack, an 18th century pillaging, pompous tyrant.

While Outlander is primarily set in the Scottish hillsides, in real life, Menzies is English. So we figured that if anyone would know the meaning behind old English insults, it would be him.

The word is: "Butter’d Bun"

The word is: "Butter’d Bun"

"I know what you’re thinking," he laughed. "You’re thinking it’s a bun with lots of butter on it, but you’d be wrong. You know how women put their hair up in buns? I think it’s a woman who’s got a bit drunk, and she’s put a bit too much butter on that hairdo. It’s an old period thing; they used to put butter in their hair. I don’t know why they did. So this is a drunk woman who just got a bit foul with the butter."

Macey J. Foronda / BuzzFeed

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Caitriona Balfe's Opinion On 23 Random Things

Caitriona Balfe's Opinion On 23 Random Things

Get to know the Outlander star’s opinion on ramen, zombies, and the man-bun.

Meet Caitriona Balfe, who stars as Claire Randall on Outlander.

Meet Caitriona Balfe, who stars as Claire Randall on Outlander.

Macey J. Foronda / BuzzFeed

Outlander fans will know Caitriona Balfe as playing Claire Randall, a 20th century woman who accidentally time travels back to 18th century Scotland. Claire is brave, smart, and knows how to fiercely down a glass of wine when she needs to.

But what is Caitriona like IRL? We decided to get her opinion on 23 random things to find out...



Macey J. Foronda / BuzzFeed



"The best! The best thing on a Saturday when you have a hangover," she said. "Big bag of chips. Netflix on my computer. Heaven."

Macey J. Foronda / BuzzFeed

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Which "Animal Crossing" Character Are You?

Which "Animal Crossing" Character Are You?

12 Signs You And Wednesday Addams Are The Same Person

12 Signs You And Wednesday Addams Are The Same Person

We’ve all had those days. Sometimes we give in to the temptation to be Wednesday Addams.

When you're throwing shade:

When you're throwing shade:

Orion Pictures

When you want the creep at the bar to leave:

When you want the creep at the bar to leave:

Orion Pictures

When you decide you don't like someone after all:

When you decide you don't like someone after all:

Orion Pictures

When you're combatting gender-based assumptions:

When you're combatting gender-based assumptions:

Orion Pictures

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