29 Ways To Get Motivated To Work Out - Buzzfeed News Music

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

29 Ways To Get Motivated To Work Out

Prove your haters wrong, hoard your medals, and stop washing your hair. (Plus 26 other awesome tips to get off the couch and go.)

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

Wash your hair only on days you work out.

Real life, I only allow myself to wash my hair after working out. So if I don’t for a couple days… I have to face the ridicule of my peers haha. Or my hair gets too tangled from all the baby powder. —danalil

instagram.com / Via Instagram: @thundercrackers

Put on your workout clothes.

When I can't be bothered I usually just go and put on my running stuff anyway. You feel like a dick pretty quickly if you change out of running stuff without actually going running. —Jemma Beedie, via Facebook

instagram.com / Via Instagram: @a_keck

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